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Friday, January 11, 2008

Is "repurposing" a real word?

Miami-Dade school officials are proposing to close down schools that are underenrolled in order to use the buildings for other functions. The term use? Repurposing.
Is that even a word? I looked it up in my pocket Merriam Webster Dictionary and couldn't find it. I wonder if our educators made it up.
Bet the kids wouldn't pass the FCAT writing if they used it in one of their essays.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repurpose:to give a new purpose or use to repurpose the company's Web site

Maybe you need to look on the shelf or online instead of your pocket.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like jargon from career bureaucrats to simply not admit to failure in using taxpayers' funds. It is very similar to when Crew and several board members claimed they didn't fire the IG but instead "did not renew his contract". A play on words to mislead and confuse. But then again this is what we are getting for our overpaid words and useless books but no real improvement in education for our children!

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much is overpaid for you?
You all want Mercedes Benz education and personnel on a Honda budget. Great people and great bodies of work cost monies. Until you can come to grips with that we will be forced to listen to your crying!!

12:45 PM  
Blogger Grammie said...

Actually, “repurpose” is a word in a dictionary…but so is “bling-bling,” “aint,” and “whatzup.” However, "real educator" it has only one reference online that I found. It is reasonable that it was not readily available in the sort of dictionary that Ana Veciana-Suarez referenced.

For Ana, this is the reference:

re•pur•pose (rē-pûr'pəs) tr.v. re•pur•posed, re•pur•pos•ing, re•pur•pos•es
To use or convert for use in another format or product: repurposed the book as a compact disk.

American Psychological Association (APA): repurpose. (n.d.).
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.

Chicago Manual Style (CMS):

I do agree with "anonymous 11:46 AM" - it does seem to be an example of "EDUBABBLE." The current "story" is that "no firm decision has been made." If so, why make children cry and parents feel such anger and rejection.

The board makes these decisions after careful deliberation, including meetings in the community. It is unprecedented to have such a statement made without any kind of warning or input from the community.

This is a sad day for Miami-Dade County and I hope that "real educator" is not really an educator, because he/she writes (here and on another comment page) without compassion or civility. These are not lessons we would want shared with our children.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The current "story" is that "no firm decision has been made." If so, why make children cry and parents feel such anger and rejection.

I agree, this was the irresponsible act of an Out of Control Board member "Marta Perez" she has no class and no respect for confidentiality.
Yes I am an educator a "Real Educator" that does not waver to the whims of the Masses but stands firm in convictions.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the schools on the list is Emerson Elementary in Westchester, an "A" school for several years running and one the first bilingual schools in Miami-Dade County.

What kind of message is the School Board sending when it wants to close (forget about repurposing) a high-performing school?

What a shame!

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not make these schools choice schools and give parents of C, D, and F schools a better selection for their children. Many parents are willing to drive further for the sake of a better education for thier children.

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the School board had been changing boundaries - a little here and a little there - over the past 10 years, we'd have less of an overcrowding "issue". Why is it that kids in the eastern portion of the County attend schools that are 50% empty, while the kids in the western portion have lunch at 10:30 in the morning??? This must be "planning", School Board style.

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see that Real Educator must be paid by Crew's crew. He sounds exactly the same as they do. They thought to pass this without much ado, but Marta Perez did one better on them. Real Educator says "she has no class and no respect for confidentiality.
Yes I am an educator a "Real Educator" that does not waver to the whims of the Masses". That implies that the closing of the school was discussed and proposed as a measure to cut costs and it was supposed to be confidential and she did not play by the rules. Plus the last part about the whims of the masses, let's everyone know that Crew and his cronies are out of touch with the community they serve and that the people making decisions don't even see a single student a day and yet want to appear as if they are the Real Educators. One more word (actually two): POLITICAL SUICIDE!!!!!

9:01 AM  

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