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Monday, January 22, 2007

Finally, the truth about women drivers

A report for the American Automobile Association finally clears our names, girlfriends. Despite the enduring stereotype that women make for bad drivers, there is no statistical proof that this is true -- something we already knew, of course. In fact, researchers now say that men are more dangerous than women.
The women as bad driver is a myth our husbands and boyfriends have perpetuated for decades. Finally, vindication.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, what about cell phone usage on the road. The rampant amount of people that use cell phones while driving in Miami is ridiculous, perhaps also the reason why there is so many wreckless drivers as you highlighted in a previous blog entry.

Although, both men and women are guilty of cell phone chatter while driving, I believe women take the prize with them for obvious reasons.

Also note that cars are being better engineered towards reducing accidents throughout the years, better brakes and better tires, etc. Roads have been made wider to curtail any possible infractions. All of these advances have been made part by having people's poor driving skills in mind.

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could have told you that -- I know that I am a much more careful driver than my husband and always have been...he has a tendency to try to multi-task while driving and I try not to do that.

If something catches his eye - his head swivels to get a better look; when on the cell phone he takes his hands off the stearing wheel to gesture with his hands; and he drives faster than the speed limit.

In my opinion, there are many things in life that become "known truths" because people repeat them - and then after a while, it is taken as a fact. THIS is one of those cases, I think.

9:39 AM  

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