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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

With children, can you afford charity?

This is an incredible story about an incredible Coral Gables woman who lived frugally, married well and invested her money. She left more than $35 million to local charities. That's pretty amazing.
Yet, as I was reading the piece, I kept wondering if she had any children. Well, she doesn't. Which explains her ability to squirrel away so much money.
That's not to say she wasn't wonderfully generous. But children -- and I know this from personal experience -- would have taken a pretty big bite our of her normal living expenses. Clothes, pediatrician, orthodontist, lessons, college, all this and more adds up, according to my best estimates, to several hundred thousand dollars. Those bucks, invested over time, could add up to a fortune.


Blogger Cristina said...

It's true, oh so true. Kids are expensive! Even on a budget, every extra dollar here and there gets spent on them in the end. I'm not complaining mind you, just commenting.

Charity is done at a different level, donating time and skills versus money much of the time. Sure, we still donate money when we can but it's usually in the form of buying supplies or food for something. Rarely just handing over cash.

We all do what we can with what we long as we are all doing that's what makes a difference. :)

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let me pose a situation to you -- would you rather be like that woman, God rest her soul, and have ALL THAT MONEY left over OR would you like to have it spent on raising your children and then later spoiling your grandchildren????

I don't know about you - but I am happiest when surrounded by my family. No amount of money will ever surpass the satisfaction I find in having my children and grandchildren at my table, laughing and eating....

Life is good!

12:24 PM  

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