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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rep. Foley's confession

As soon as the news about Rep. Mark Foley's inappropriate email and IM messages made it on the news, I turned to my husband and predicted that somewhere, sometime the fallen lawmaker would confess he had been molested as a child. Days later it happened -- to no one's surprise, I suspect.
I don't mean to belittle what can obviously be horrible memories, but it seems that we hear these confessions so often now that we've become inured to the claims. Maybe the question now is: Who in public life has NOT been molested?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I had the same thought - and it has become predictable. It is a sad thing, if it really happened to him, but it does not excuse his behavior as an adult. The other thing I am puzzled about is his claim to have been under the influense of alchohol at the time of his emails and IM's - which were (some, at least) while he was in Congress, voting on legislation.

So, according to Mark Foley, he was DRUNK while voting!?!

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend recently told me to watch
dateline on Friday nights in which
men are caught up in a sting with
supposed 13 & 14 year old girls. I
watched a few weeks ago for the first time with my wife and as the
parents of a 13 yr old son and 10 yr old daughter was highly disturbed to say the least. The Foley incident is the newest in a long list. As a man I am sickened that my fellow men do these type of
things and it is obviously very widespread. The excuses are always the same , past abuse and alcohol/
drugs. I sit and wonder where we are all headed.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a parent, I can only imagine how the families of those congressional pages must be feeling. If I were them, I would be disgusted and angry that this elected official felt he had the right to approach their young sons.

He is a creep.

I am not surprised to hear that he is blaming some childhood drama and alchoholism. You see, it was not really HIS fault that he communicated in such sorded ways with teenaged boys. Not his fault because he is a "victim" too.

Oh, give me a break!

10:07 AM  

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