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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tancredo, Schmancredo

Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo seems to like the media attention he got from declaring our warm, welcoming city a Third World Nation. As a result, his speech to a local Rotary club was cancelled. Which prompted him to spew more attention-grabbing comments.
But maybe he's saying in public what others whisper in private.
Too bad Tancredo couldn't visit, though, especially in December when Colorado is snowed over. Colorado, after all, is the home state of Columbine. It is also the home of a state university that has gotten into a lot of hot water for the shenanigans of its coaches and players. Does that make it a second world state?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Give us your tired, your poor, your Cuban masses yearning to oppress the rights of others." Tancredo is giving us the opportunity to see us for what we are, we have long known that the Cuban community here in South Florida feels that if you are not for their views, then you need to shut up and sit in the back of the bus....

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all very interesting -- this guy from Colorado, of all places, has found a vehicle to get himself some publicity. I am not so sure that he wasn't the one to call in the threats himself -- it's keeping his ignorant face in the news, isn't it?

He is also providing an outlet for those who are bitter, bigotted, and jealous of the Cuban American success story. Given that no ethnic group is perfect - we all have faults, he is highlighting these in order to garner noteriety. He should be working for those who elected him - and not worry about what is going on on this side of the Mississippi.

This country cowboy should stick to issues of Colorado...which by the way, was settled and named by Spaniards. Imagine that - a SPANISH name!?

His 15 minutes came and went.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hardly think comparing college athletic programs is an appropriate way to critique Tancredo or the state of Colorado.

Miami is hardly the flagship community when it comes to collegiate sportsmanship.

Anyone remember the free for all that was the FIU/UM football game?

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's better that Tom does not waste his time and risk his life by coming to Miami. The area is a living nightmare of crime, corruption of every kind.The community and the Miami Herald never want to hear anything negative about illegal immigration that conflicts with their self-deluding dogma anyway.

In Miami, the key word is OPPORTOONITY.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ironic that he would be so critical of Miami - this is the city that most embodies immigrants' assimilation and economic and political success. You won't find another city where immigrants do so well economically and politically. And the immigrants here embrace the values that really set Americans apart - hard work, entreprenuerism, and capitalism. Just because many of them happen to speak Spanish at home or to one another at work doesn't mean they're not assimilated. I think Tancredo's main problem is his definition of "assimilation." I believe assimilation is just as much about values as it is about language and customs.

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother commenting-it is overwith in this town.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for a blog turning on it's owners.

You can give a turd a new coat of paint, it's still a turd.

Miami's violent crime is 3x the national average. According to some cources, it's the highest in the nation. 1 in 12 will be the victim of a crime.

But back to the subject. It seems that the establishment of Little-this and Little-that would lead one to think that there is a reluctance to assimilate.

Shame on you for attributing Columbine to Tancredo - as if he was responsible for the act of 2 insane children.

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto to the previous post. I grew up in Miami and have recently moved to Colorado. It's nice to be in a state where one hears English instead of a continuous influx of loud Spanish. People in Colorado are never rude, never honk their horns, they call you by name, not "chica." People believe in good work ethic and personal integrity, unlike in Miami.

Shame on you, again, for attributing Columbine to a senator. Next time you have the chance, take an elevator ride in a tall building with a group of hispanics and their cell phones, and then give me your definition of politeness.

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cong. Tancredo is a great American and a true patriot.

I was born and raised in south Florida, though I don't live there now. I support Cong. Tancredo's comments. There are many parts of Dade County that resemble a third world country.

Cong. Tancredo would be a great president.

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you that complain about Miami and have not left yet, we don't need you here. You are more than welcome to leave. Although there are many undocumented immigrants here, the vast majority are documented and many are American citizens. And I would venture to say that most speak English. They choose not to. This is a free country, so they have every right to do that.

We wouldn't miss you down here. Shoo!

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tancredo has hit the bulls eye. I have seen the Cuban flag flying and it begs the question do these people know where they are. They tell me I should learn to speak Spanish and that really puts a twist in my shorts. I have notified Tancredo if he should run for President and it required my vote to place him there he will be President in 2008.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder this country has gone to crap. Because people will vote in a presidential candidate that would say something in the light of what Tancredo said.

Ok, so let's have it. Get rid of all illegal-immigrants, whose going to pick your vegetables now, huh? Apparently Americans won't do this job so I guess we'll have to import them from China.

Last tidbit; People should vote for a president that will defend our constitution; not words and slogans.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our laws are formed with the Constitution in mind. An illegal immigrant is still "illegal."

So to the prior post: you can't have a president whose issues are supporting illegal immigrants and supporting our laws. It can't happen because they contradict one another. We have other issues in America that currently deserve more attention, so these two issues are obviously not the only ones.

If necessary, charge more for the vegetables. Or hire people that worked hard to get here. Many Cubans (and other immigrants) legally came to America, and it wasn't easy. They're rewarded with citizenship and the right to work, live, and build in the capitalist system. Take that in mind next time you buy the least expensive vegetables.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there are federally funded migrant camps that house illegal immigrants. So to me that makes them legal since the feds are aware and allow them to go about their business.

And as for your reply on raising prices on vegetables-- they have been raised due to the pricing of energy, i.e. OIL.

You know those illegal immigrants are not going nowhere except for the 3 that were caught the other day for media attention.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrants will continue to come so long as they can get jobs. The jobs will be offered so long as the labor supply is short. Supply and demand. This is simple economics.

Plus, immigrants are the driving force behind the economy in Miami. Face it. If you don't like it, just leave. It's not going to change.

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Miami belong to the immigrants, and I'm sorry but what they want is to take all the money they can , ripp the city the citizens and send it back to their countries. None of these CRIMINALS,LAW BREAKERS, ILLEGAL INVADERS have any feelings for the city or to the country that they explore. ven the language, they want to impose their over ours. BUT HELP ME GOD these CRIMINALS will have their time in court, we, the American People are going to start making the things happen and we are going to FREE our country form these CRIMINALS, LAW BREAKERS .

5:33 AM  

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