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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Eat bad, exercise right

How's this for ironic:
McDonald's has introduced workout gyms in some of its eateries. If these pilot programs do well, look for more free weights with your fries.
It's a great marketing idea, but maybe we shouldn't be eating the food in the first place. (I love Mickey D fries, though. Best of all fast food places, though Checkers has good ones, too.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ana, This seems somewhat hypocritical coming from McDonalds. Perhaps revamping their choice ingredients to healthier ones would be a more aggressive approach.

Apparently the thinner the fries are in mass the more oil it can absorb, hence better flavor.

All in all, its good knowing there are better choices. Alot more health food stores popping up in and around town and it seems to be an upward trend since the late 90s. As a long resident of Hialeah it would be greatful to see a couple of Sushi places and a decent bookstore opening at one of the empty mini-mall cornerstones, i.e. food for thought.


2:18 PM  

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