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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The real threat

The inevitable happened: The parents of the Gomez brothers, along with a grandmother, were deported back to Colombia. Do we all feel safe now?
I wish we were as expedient in tracking down and kicking out terrorrists.


Blogger Truth Matters said...

We are hunting down terrorists, Ana. The problem is that open borders people like you refuse to give us the tools to properly track them down. For example, you don't want local police officers to be able to ask the immigration status of drivers when they are pulled over. If they could, then maybe we could have nabbed Mohammed Atta when he was pulled over for speeding. We also need to secure the Southern border. Of course, people like you constantly decry the fence. So which is it? Do you want us to nab terrorists or not?? If you do, stop telling us that we can't do necessary things to stop terrorism (securing Southern border, checking immigration status of drivers pulled over, etc.)

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Ana,

Those folk weren't deported because they were terrorists - but because they overstayed their visas. There is a system in place for immigration and there is a reason for a system to be in place.

No one thinks that these nice people were a threat - everyone agrees that they should have gotten another visa or done whatever necessary to become legal residents of this country. Just because their kids do well in school is no reason for them to be able to bypass the system.

I am sure that there are many other worthy people wanting to come in and provide these opportunities to their children. But, it still does not justify trying to get around the system.

When they cheat - we all lose.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I lived and worked in another country, I recognized I had the obligation to comply with that country's immigration laws. I respected that country's laws, and I made the necessary efforts to obtain and maintain my visa. I did what I was supposed to do. I expect any who come to my country to do the same. I'm sorry if they decide to ignore our laws and their children have to pay the price for their parents neglect.......BUT SO BE IT.

11:49 AM  

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