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Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Border Patrol is coming, the Border Patrol is coming...

Anyone with any connection to Miami's Hispanic community has been enthralled and spooked with the so-called news that immigration officials were raiding workplaces to round up and deport illegal immigrants. Problem is, as reported in today's story, the raids are only rumors. I first heard about these phantom raids a couple of days ago from an Honduran woman who has been here legally for years but has several relatives who don't have "los papeles." Those relatives work cleaning houses and in construction. None of them has shown up for work this week for fear of being arrested. They're also convinced that it's a way of silencing their political voice in time for the May 1 marches on immigration issues.
Conspiracy theory or truth? Hmmm.
The timing is certainly strange. I also wonder how many suburban houses will go undusted, how many fruits and vegetables will go unpicked, and how many building sites will see construction halted or delayed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My opinion is that, by putting attention on this issue and making a BIG public stink, this administration is trying to take our attention off the fact that they have NOT gained any ground in making this country any safer from terrorist since 9/11/2001.

The Border Patrol should be doing the hard work of uncovering the illegal immigrants that are here to cause us harm -- not the ones doing the laundry or the yard work.

This is just the government's feeble way to make themselves look "busy" while actually accomplishing nothing.

6:50 AM  

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