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Thursday, June 08, 2006

First comes love, then comes...

...well, not marriage -- at least not for the rich and famous. I'm writing, of course, about Angelina and Brad and their brood. The latest is a story denying rumors that the two will wed. They said something about being really committed to the children and blah blah blah, but no wedding bells for the superstars.
Gee, I thought that's what people did when they were in the family way, especially if the guy stuck around for Baby. Stability and all that old-fashioned stuff.
I suppose we need to rewrite the lyrics to that childhood song. First comes lust, then comes baby, and then...(fill in the blank.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not such a big deal when celebrities live their lives the way that they do...specially these two. It wasn't that long ago that she was wearing Billy Bob's blood in a vial and he was making guest apperances on "Friends" to be with his wife.

The problem lies when the non-celebrities try to emulate these behaviors. Unmarried mothers are not new -- but they will always be at a disadvantage (unless they are Angelina). Then what happens is that the grandparents have to step in and help the unwed daughters...

Just when you thought you were getting close to the end.....

It is irresponsible and these mothers are putting their children at a dissadvantage from birth. The statistics don't lie.

No matter how "old fashioned" or "hokey" it might sound, there is nothing like a complete family - no other combination works as well. Sometimes things don't work out - and that is very sad.

But, these babies start out without that unit from the get-go.

It makes NO sense.

9:53 AM  

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