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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

And they pay her for this?!!

Nicole Richie isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Yet, she's become a household name because of...well, I can't quite figure out why. Her latest entry into Get-Her-Off-the-Stage territory happened in Los Angeles during taping of The Simple Life. The Associated Press reports that she asked an 11-year-old boy, in graphic language, if she looked attractive.
The boy was playing basketball in the driveway of his home when Ms. Potty Mouth approached and questioned the youth about how she looked, using a profane word. The exchange was taped.
The boy's father complained to the show's production company.
The Simple Life, by the way, was dropped by Fox but was picked up somewhere else and renamed. Apparently, stars like Richie can always find a TV home with dubious standards because there are enough fools who will tune in.
What's wrong with us?


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